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Give to the MAX

Remember EDT during Minnesota's Non-Profit Donation Day

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Here we are again at the end of the year and Minnesota's Non-Profit Donation Day through GIVE MN--Give to the MAX and an opportunity for you to support small non-profits like EDT.

You, our individual donors have given motivation and encouragement to our Ensemble throughout our history and especially when funding from traditional grant making sources have fallen away. Please understand that without your support the Ethnic Dance Theatre would not be here today. Your support is vital.

Thanks to you, EDT is able to bring over 50 distinct cultures and traditions to life in colorful and spellbinding performances.

Thanks to you, EDT has been able to store our extensive costume collection in a climate controlled facility. (See the MN Originals video in images.)

Thanks to you, EDT is able to produce new productions and new choreographies both from our artistic staff and guest choreographers.

Thanks to you, EDT continues to forge new partnerships with local ethnic communities and collaborations with arts organizations to bring you innovative, interactive traditional events. An exceptional example is the partnership with the University Landmarks organization that brings the Balkan Fest to the Landmark Center in February. Feb. 16, 2020, will be the fifth year of this partnership.

Your generosity has sustained us and kept us going. With great confidence in your continued support, please consider a financial gift to EDT and help such a gem of the Twin Cities dance community continue to sparkle. Help EDT stay around for many seasons to come.

Our goal is to raise $20,000 by January 1, 2020. Please consider making a donation in your name or a loved one's name to help sustain Minnesota's award-winning Ethnic Dance Theatre. Thank you and be assured that all support, no matter how small, is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated.